This page provides instructions on how to determine your TV’s HD capacity and how to purchase the right HD tuner.
How do I know if my television or set-top box is HD ready?
The channel list says ‘HD’ in the names of HD channels. If you receive TV broadcasts from the antenna network, HD channels are currently channel numbers 21–40. In the cable network, HD channels are numbers 1–20. You can check whether your TV or set-top box is ready to receive HD broadcasts by testing whether you can watch HD channels on your TV.
If you can already watch HD channels without problem, you don’t need to buy a new TV or set-top box.
If you cannot find HD channels in the channel list, run a channel search. (External link)
Note that owning a Full HD or an HD Ready TV does not automatically mean that your TV can receive HD broadcasts. These terms mean that the TV screen has high enough resolution to display HD images.
How do I find out if I receive TV broadcasts to my home via an antenna or cable network?
If you live in a single-family home or some other kind of detached house and have a rake-shaped antenna on your roof, you are likely getting TV broadcasts via the antenna TV network. If you can watch non-HD cannels with no problem, you need to buy a new HD-compatible TV or set-top box.
If you live in an apartment block or some other kind of housing company, you should ask the property manager about the TV network and whether the property’s antenna system can receive HD broadcasts. The property manager is responsible for maintaining the antenna system and making sure that the housing company can receive HD channels. In other words, if you get TV via the antenna network and your housing company’s antenna system is up to date but you cannot watch HD channels, you need to buy a new HD-compatible TV or set-top box.
Read more about TV reception technologies on our website. (External link)
How do I get the right type of TV or set-top box?
To watch HD programmes on the cable TV network, you need a TV or set-top box with an HD tuner (DVB-C) suitable for the cable network.
To watch HD programmes on the antenna network, you need a TV or set-top box with an HD tuner (DVB-T2) suitable for the antenna network.
For information on set-top boxes suitable for receiving satellite and IPTV broadcasts, contact the operator providing the service.
Almost all new televisions sold in Finland have an HD tuner, and in most cases, it is suitable for both antenna and cable networks. The seller is required to advise you on the features of the device.
How can I recycle my old TV?
When you get a new TV, make sure that the old devices are properly recycled. You can return your old TV to an electronics store or use official recycling points.