Various parties will help you with the HD transition. This page provides contact information for various needs for assistance.
TV companies
Commercial TV companies decide on the visibility areas of their programmes, which is why it is recommended to contact the company providing the programmes directly in case of visibility problems. They also know how to best advise on alternative services to receive programmes. Only Yle, which is the public service broadcaster, must make its programming available for all citizens. MTV3, which is a so-called public interest channel, must also be made available for all citizens.
- Yle's customer service in Finnish (External link)
- Yle's customer service in Swedish (External link)
- Yle's customer service in English (External link)
- MTV's contact information in Finnish (External link)
- Nelonen Media's contact information in Finnish (External link)
- TV channels of Discovery in Finland are TV5, Kutonen, Frii and TLC. Discovery's contact information in Finnish. (External link)
- Disney's customer service in English (External link)
Network operators
Below is a list of network operators operating in Finland and links where you can find their service contact information.
Antenna TV network operator
Digita Info offers help to those using the terrestrial TV network. Read more about Digita Info. (External link) The service issubject to a charge.
Cable TV network operators
The following operators are cable TV network operators:
DNA's contact information (External link) (in Finnish)
Elisa's customer service (External link)
Telia's customer service (External link)
Some organisations offer support and home visits for technical problems. You should check whether such a service is available near you.